Learn tactics, techniques, and procedures to maximize your effectiveness when engaging threats in no light/low light scenarios. Bad things happen at night, be that bad thing in the night…
This course will teach you how to be as effective and confident in shooting at night as in the daylight. Our Cadre will instruct you on the tactics and techniques of night shooting in order to bring you to a level of shooting where you are more comfortable and confident with your firearm in a low-light or no-light situation. You will learn low-light/no-light strategies that will better equip you to react to an overt act of violence, along with basic movement and search techniques at night. All firing drills are based on real world scenarios and designed to fire at various distances, various positions, and single-shot or rapid-fire engagement.
All GORUCK Firearms Courses and Events utilize scenario based training which is incorporated into dry practice prior to any live fire. All participants will practice target identification and discrimination, movement, weapons manipulation, and other dynamic drills with the cadre and others. These drills will be facilitated with inert weapons enabling a safe and realistic training environment. Both pistols and rifles will be rendered inert with barrel/chamber blocking plugs. Further, each student must fully participate in dry practice prior to commencing live fire.
Must have completed Counter Active Shooter (Pistol-Day) - L2. This course requires moving and shooting, use of cover, and team communication all while manipulating your pistol and a light in darkness. Equivalent entry requirements training would be received by an LEO or military combat arms.
This course is not recommended for beginners.
Participants should already be proficient in the following skills:
In an effort to put participants in the right mindset we perform short duration physical stressors throughout the training day. All courses develop skill sets that would be utilized in a high stress, worst case scenario. This is simulated in training by elevating the heart rate through movements such as sprints, burpees, pushups and other exercises.
Chuy has nearly 27 years of military experience, with over 23 of those years serving in numerous special operations forces (SOF) units, both as an enabler and a commando. He has operational deployments all over the globe in areas such as South America, Africa, Europe, Southeast Asia, and Central Asia. His areas of experience are in Counter Terrorism (CT), Counterinsurgency (COIN), Security Force Assistance (SFA), with special focuses in Unconventional Warfare (UW) and Foreign Internal Defense (FID). Most of his military career has been at the tactical level, serving on three different Underwater Special Forces Operational Detachment-Alphas (SFOD-A). Chuy has a passion for teaching, coaching, and mentoring those who seek to "Free the Oppressed". Presently, he serves as a senior leader for the United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School (USAJFKSWCS) preparing current and future Green Berets in support of US objectives.
Use the chat feature on the Sandlot platform to coordinate any details or training tips with your Cadre and the rest of the awesome folks that signed up. To join the chat complete the steps below: