The GORUCK Challenge is our flagship and original team building event - we’ve led over 10,000 since 2010. The Heavy is the pinnacle GORUCK Challenge. You need to train hard with a rucksack and a sandbag prior to showing up. Not so that we can test you as an individual, but so that you can better serve your team. The weight will be heavy, the distance will be long, and there is no way to get through this without the people to your left and the people to your right. That requires a mindset forged through adversity in dedication to something greater than yourself. This is a life changing event, a rite of passage where you will learn about yourself under conditions of physical and mental stress. You’ll learn about leadership and teamwork and you get to take that back with you to your daily life. This should NOT be your first GORUCK Event.
When you successfully complete the Heavy, your Cadre will hand you a cold beer and a patch that will never be for sale.
Get ready for the Recon Raider challenge! This GORUCK event lets you storm the same beaches and climb the same peaks as Marine Corps Special Operations Forces (MARSOF), guided by elite Cadre who will share the rich history of these hallowed grounds. Together, we’ll honor the fallen.
Complete the Heavy, Tough, and Basic events to earn the exclusive Recon Raider HTB patch - proof of your strength, grit, and dedication. This is your chance to test your limits and leave with more than just memories. Will you rise to the challenge?
Monster is still evaluating your Cadre.
Use the chat feature on the Sandlot platform to coordinate any details or training tips with your Cadre and the rest of the awesome folks that signed up. To join the chat complete the steps below: