Constellation - Mooresville, North Carolina

October 19th, 2024 @ 8:00am EST

Constellation - Mooresville, North Carolina
About this event


Disaster results in civil unrest and collapse of the consumer economy...No running water, no electricity, no 911, no internet...How will you protect your family and make it out.

The GORUCK Constellation events provide participants with the basic skills that they will need to prepare their home and family for loss of services, protect their community from resulting civil unrest, defend themselves when on the move and egress a bad situation in the aftermath of a disaster when emergency services are not immediately available. By working together, those that complete this event can lead and assist in saving lives and protecting property using the techniques learned in this course. The target audience for this course are individuals who desire the skills and knowledge required to prepare and respond to a worst case scenario.

Firearms, live weapons, or blades are not required for this course.



You must be able to climb a ladder, low crawl, and be free of respiratory limitations.
In an effort to put participants in the right mindset we perform short duration physical stressors throughout the training day. All courses develop skill sets that would be utilized in a high stress, worst case scenario. This is simulated in training by elevating the heart rate through movements such as sprints, burpees, pushups and other exercises.   


  • Becoming a hard target, preparation, disaster FAQs, evac and mindset    
  • Tactical egress from elevation, rappelling, knots, pulleys
  • Surveillance, counter surveillance and security assessments
  • Nondestructive vehicle acquisition
  • Radio communications and basic programming
  • Hazardous breathing environments preparation
  • Restraint defeat and escape
  • Final team culmination exercise performed under stress
  • Forceable entry will be taught at select locations


  • A rucksack aka backpack (GR1 or Rucker recommended)
  • Smartphone and Portable Charger
  • Sharpie/Pen/Pencil
  • Notepad
  • Flashlight or Headlamp
  • Gloves
  • Load Bearing Carabiner
  • Riggers Belt
  • 12 feet of Tubular 1’’ Nylon Webbing
  • Two 2L Empty Bottles
  • 2-4 Large Zip Ties
  • Duct Tape
  • Paracord (25 feet)
  • Sheers
  • 2 Bobby Pins
  • Filter (at a minimum of MERV 13 and MPR 2000+)
  • Long Pants
  • Closed-toed shoes (MACV-1 Boots recommended)
  • Download WhatsApp on your smartphone (or a Programmable Radio)


  • IFAK (Individual First Aid Kit)
  • 1 x Ace Bandage
  • 1 x Tourniquet (any type)
  • 1 x Gauze Bandage Roll
  • Contractor Bag
  • Lock Pick Set



In order to successfully complete this course and earn the Constellation patch, a participant must complete:

  • Tactical egress from elevation exercise
  • Restraint defeat exercise
  • Gas mask pressure test
Mooresville Fire/ Rescue
2014 Charlotte Hwy.
Moorseville, NC 28117
View Map
October 19th, 2024 @ 8:00am EST


Garret served as a combat soldier in the Duvdevan Unit of the Israeli Defense Force, where he gained extensive combat experience from multiple operations in support of Israeli counter terrorism and national security objectives. Duvdevan is a counter terror (CT) unit specializing in urban warfare, hostage rescue, targeted assassinations and kidnapping of wanted militants throughout the West Bank, Gaza Strip and border nations. Later, he provided Personnel Security Detail (PSD) for Ministry of Defense officials on high risk assignments, while also earning his masters degree in government while in Israel. Finally, he served as a police officer with the Israeli national police in a low visibility police intelligence unit. After returning to the US, he joined the USCG Tactical Law Enforcement Team (TACLET) and further distinguished himself by earning the Director of Homeland Security Award for his performance at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC). Currently, he works for the US Department of Homeland Security.


Use the chat feature on the Sandlot platform to coordinate any details or training tips with your Cadre and the rest of the awesome folks that signed up. To join the chat complete the steps below:

  • Click the link below
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  • Click the chat button 


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