Earn bragging rights for finishing; even more if you win it.
In 1908, Teddy Roosevelt issued an executive order to members of the military, later echoed by JFK:
“Do 50 miles in under 20 hours.”
This is our kind of fun and we recommend you train hard for this one. This is the first time we’ve offered the 50 Miler at the increased 45/30# Ruck Plate (or equivalent) weights. We’re excited to see how you do.
Store credit for the winners (male and female)
We will double the store credit if you wear a GORUCK rucksack and GORUCK footwear for the duration of the event.
We run this event out of GORUCK Scars & HQ in Jax Beach and there are a bunch of other Ruck Jax distances (26.2, 12 Miler, & 5K) for friends and loved ones to do if they don’t want to take a shot at the title of Best Rucker. We celebrate all who show up and there will be a big ass party that seems to last all day and picks up as more people make their way back to the finish line.
Per norm, this party is open to all.
You have 20 hours to successfully complete your City Ruck 50 Miler and earn the patch.
Cadre Barbarossa takes his nom de guerre from his distinctive red beard. He retired out of the 5th Special Forces Group after 21 years of service, having spent time all throughout the Middle East. He currently lives in Savannah, GA with his family.
Use the chat feature on the Sandlot platform to coordinate any details or training tips with your Cadre and the rest of the awesome folks that signed up. To join the chat complete the steps below: